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Austria    alt

Capital: Vienna
Area: 83 860 kmē
Population: 8 111 000
Currency: 1 US$ =
GDP: 12 / 26 730 $
HDI:   16 / 0.929
CPI  :  - / -

2002 data


Same comment: I'll get around to writing something on Austria sometime.

In the meantime you can follow the links below.

Atlapedia    CIA    Country Reports    Lonely Planet    Traveldocs    Wikipedia




I flew from Venice to Munich where I enjoyed the easy going, loud Bavarian atmosphere before reaching the more sophisticated and refined Vienna where I had the good fortune of meeting music loving Edith who took time to show me around.

This is the Belvedere Palace not far from the city centre.


alt altOn the left, the Vienna youth hostel where I stayed and on the right, Edith in front of the world famous St Stephen's Cathedral in the city centre.






Here is a view of the other side of Belvedere Palace. Edith was a good sport but her refined reserve prevented her fom grabbing the sphinx by the breast as I did on the left below.


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Edith loved her city as much as music so she showed me a lot of places and brought me to a concert.

This photo shows a part of the Imperial Palace complex which also houses the so called Spanish Riding School where a special breed of grey horses give an exhibition of precision maneuvers that is worth the trip.

From here I went behind the Iron Curtain to visit Budapest and Prague before reaching Berlin.


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